Open Source Java Projext

Android Studio

Now we will show how to encrypt text in AES. Highlighted comment - the simplest encryption option with which the application was debugged

In Main Activity

    //   Text oflameron.txt CODING
    public void Code() {
        char ec = 0; //One character from the read text
        String KTxt = ""; //Encoded text
        elenght = str.length(); //Amount of data from EditText to encode

        // The number of characters in the oflameron.txt file - in the elenght variable
        // Encoding text from str variable
        // Encoding is simple - increase the character code by 1
        ////for (int symbol = 0; symbol < elenght; symbol++) {
        ////    ec = str.charAt(symbol); //Select one character at a time
        ////    int code = (int) ec; //Get the character code in the variable "c"
        ////    code = code +1; //The simplest coding. Add 1 to the code of each character
        ////    ec = (char)code; //Convert code to symbol
        ////    KTxt = KTxt + String.valueOf(ec);//Create encoded text from individual characters

        KTxt = encrypt(str);//Write encoded text to str variable to write to file. Encript KTxt
        str = KTxt;
        ////str = KTxt;//Write encoded text to str variable to write to file


Based on this application, you can create a "point-to-point" messenger with AES encryption


Source Code - CryptoNOTE_AES.ZIP

 Full Java Project

 Open Source Java Projext



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