
Showing posts from January, 2024

Czech Entropy PRNG

  Finding Prime Numbers I have to do something I didn’t want to waste time on :-) We will look for very large prime numbers. I'll write a separate program. I'll test it for speed. If it's quick, I'll add it to the Czech Entropy PRNG app. And that is not all

Square method PRNG

 Czech Entropy PRNG 1024 bit How to improve the distribution of pseudo-random numbers generated by a software generator (PRNG). The idea is to use the "sliding square method". Everything is clear from the pictures. The random number generator will create a very large array of pseudo-random numbers, from which we will select a number to use and look at the distribution. Figure 1 shows that the distribution is not the best. We will create a certain number of squares in the free areas (no smaller than the specified size) and select from the generated array additional values that fall into the given squares in Figure 2 (orange dots) Figures 3 and 4 show the resulting distribution. Next, you can use the second stage of working with smaller squares. And so on until the distribution estimation algorithm shows the desired result of the quality of the set of numbers. You can make an interesting generator if at the next stage you use triangles rather than squares. Select the number of

Czech Entropy PRNG Block 3

  Free DOWNLOAD The most significant update of the program. The application Czech Entropy PRNG Block 3 can be downloaded and installed on your smartphone for free. The application can generate arrays of 1K dimension numbers. Download   Czech Entropy PRNG Block 3

Czech Entropy PRNG

  Generation algorithm The generation algorithm is written completely differently. Now the application does not depend on the hardware and Android build. Generating very large numbers is fast. The Block 3 prototype can generate 1K+ numbers. Czech Entropy PRNG

Czech Entropy PRNG 1Block 3

  Application prototype The application prototype generated an array of large numbers. Quality has not yet been assessed. To work with very large numbers, all program modules will need to be modernized Czech Entropy PRNG The application only generates an array of numbers

Czech Entropy PRNG

  Notes The Czech Entropy PRNG   application for generating pseudorandom numbers will change significantly. Development of the application  Czech XOR Calculator is not possible now, because... to create such programs you need an official license. Naturally, I don’t have it. Until this problem is solved, interesting ideas for information processing will remain just ideas. It is possible that they have already been invented by someone, used, but not published. Or maybe this is all still new. Sieve of Eratosthene

Czech Entropy PRNG

  Edition Block 2 Ver. 0.35.6  Czech Entropy PRNG Block 2   DOUBLE Int Mode Czech Entropy PRNG

Czech Entropy PRNG

 0.35.5 Block 2 A new mechanism for generating an array of pseudo-random numbers. Basic version. Before modifications There are still reruns. But the mechanism has already been finalized and tests built into the application are being prepared. Least The Frequency Monobit Test and The Cumulative Sums Test. There may also be a discrete transform test  Fourier. Czech XOR Calculator


 Creative Picture Creative Picture

Czech Entropy PRNG

  Statistics and indicators Application Czech Entropy PRNG contains several modules for its operation. The first modules used are the source data expansion module (there is only one so far) and the module for sampling numbers from a huge file obtained after expanding the source data. The sampling module has so far been in its simplest form. Let's look at a few pictures from the graphical indicator First generating an array of numbers based on the entered text It can be seen that the distribution of numbers is not the best. But we use the MultiMode mode, when the generated array is used as the source data. It would be nice if the distribution changed noticeably There is some result. The simplest indicator shows that the distribution has changed. Let's repeat the cycle again with the resulting array of numbers The impression is that for the simplest algorithm everything is not bad. Not too bad. Another cycle The distribution has changed. But what patterns are there in such a sma

Czech Entropy PRNG

 Squares algorithm Once the floating square algorithm is integrated into the application and the mixing algorithm is tested, the Czech Entropy PRNG application will use 4 different pseudo-random number generation algorithms simultaneously. The number of numbers will exceed 60 values. But the Czech XOR Calculator application limits the length of the encrypted message to complicate cryptanalysis. It will also have built-in protection against reuse of the same key. Czech Entropy PRNG

Czech Entropy PRNG

  Czech Entropy PRNG There is a clear need to develop additional indicators for quickly assessing generated arrays of pseudo-random numbers. Of course, it makes no sense to embed N-dimensional indicators into a smartphone screen. But 2D indicators can still be invented. This will allow you to discard frankly “bad” initial phrases. Czech Encryption APP

Czech Entropy PRNG

  Square method First version of the post-processing module using the floating square method. Only one layer. No adaptation. Orange dots are the original array of numbers. The blue dots are from post-processing. The quality can be improved further. Czech Entropy PRNG

Czech Entropy PRNG

  Android Java Interesting to try it Czech Entropy PRNG

Czech Entropy PRNG

  Post-processing 30. Dec. 2023  A new pseudo-random number post-processing module has been prototyped to improve entropy quality using squares. Once testing and preparation of the module is completed, the module will be integrated into the application. The previous simple versions of the processing mode will be replaced. Next, we will develop a module of multilayer squares to improve entropy Czech Entropy PRNG