Android Photo Registrar OFLAMERON

 Photo Registrar

    The site hosts a repository in which the source codes of the application OFLAMERON Rescue Photo will be published. Any Java programmer can analyze Java code and suggest ways to improve it. If the proposed code is added to the application OFLAMERON Rescue Photo, then the author of the code fragment can be indicated in the Copyright.

     Interesting suggestions include saving settings to a webserver, downloading new settings from a webserver, managing settings via SMS messages, creating applications for other versions of the Android OS, using a microphone for activation, etc. 

    These proposals are connected with the author's decision to start work on new programs for control, surveillance, security, protection, alibi provision, etc.  

    Application OFLAMERON Rescue Photo fully performs all the functions for which it was created by the author. The disadvantages of the program are known: the application setting is not intended for housewives. The user must understand what is an FTP client, web server, folders, and Android application access rights. In return, very high flexibility of use and cost tending to zero are provided.

     Any suggestions for working with Java code, write in the comments. This is for users FROM ANY COUNTRIES! No restrictions for programmers. The application can be easily upgraded to simplify the user interface. The main difficulties can be easily eliminated if you offer ready-made FTP accounts and a personal account. There are opportunities to monetize this free application.

     The application allows you to effectively use a huge number of old smartphones, even in the poorest countries. With the oldest batteries, damaged screens, old versions of Android, slow processors. If you offer ready-made FTP accounts, then you can create global photo data banks.

Photo Registrar

Photo Registrar

Photo Registrar


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